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Англо-русский биологический словарь - pulse


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Перевод с английского языка pulse на русский


1) пульс; пульсировать

2) импульс

3) бобовое растение; боб

central pulseperipheric pulsepressure pulsevenous pulse

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  • импульс• сигнал ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  I  1. noun  1) пульс; пульсация; биение; - feel the pulse  2) биение (жизни и т.п.)  3) импульс, толчок  4) чувство, настроение  5) ритм ударов (весел и т.п.)  6) mus.; prosody ритм  2. v. пульсировать, биться; His blood pulsed through his blood vessels faster and faster as he ran up the stairs. You can feel the nervousness pulsing through the crowd. II noun; collect.; bot. бобовые растения ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. пульс low pulse —- слабый пульс 2. пульсация, биение 3. вибрация 4. биение, ритм, темп (жизни) 5. ритм ударов (весел) 6. муз. стих. ритм 7. спец. импульс input pulse —- входной импульс 8. чувство, настроение pulse of the nation —- настроение, преобладающее в стране Id: to feel smb.'s pulse —- стараться разузнать чьи-либо намерения, прощупывать кого-либо Id: to stir smb.'s pulses —- взволновать кого-л. 9. книж. пульсировать, биться my heart pulsed with excitement —- мое сердце возбужденно (за)билось 10. вибрировать 11. спец. посылать импульсы 12. собир. бобовые растения 13. боб ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) пульс; пульсировать 2) импульс 3) бобовое растение; боб – central pulse – peripheric pulse – pressure pulse – venous pulse PULSE CHASE EXPERIMENT мол. биол. опыт "пульс-чейз" ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) научн. импульс 2) импульсный 3) пульсировать 4) разделительный 5) толчок absolute droop of pulse — глубина спада импульса after a pulse cases — после прохождения импульса clock pulse gate — вентиль синхронизирующих импульсов clock pulse generator — генератор тактовых импульсов, генератор синхронизирующих импульсов clock pulse source — генератор тактовых импульсов coherent pulse radar — тех. локатор когерентно-импульсный delayed pulse oscillator — генератор задержанных импульсов, электр. генератор задержки electric pulse machining — электроимпульсная обработка ideal pulse element — электр. элемент импульсный идеальный magnetron skips pulse — магнетрон пропускает импульс mark pulse generator — тех. генератор импульсов отметки matrix-type pulse generator — матричный генератор импульсов minor-cycle pulse generator — генератор импульсов малого цикла modulate a pulse on a carrier — заполнять импульс частотой narrow gate pulse — селекторный узкий импульс narrow-narrow gate pulse — селекторный ультраузкий импульс peak pulse amplitude — амплитуда импульса pulse compression technique — метод сжатия импульсов pulse decay time — длительность среза импульса pulse delay time — время запаздывания импульса pulse duration jitter — разброс длительности импульса pulse duration modulation — широтно-импульсная модуляция pulse duty factor —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) импульс 2) метка – ac pulse – actuating pulse – basic pulse – battery pulse – bell-shaped pulse – blackout pulse – break pulse – broadened optical pulses – burst-gate pulse – call-indicator pulse – check pulse – clock pulse – closing pulse – code pulse – comparison pulse – composite pulse – compressed pulse – control pulse – cosine pulse – current pulse – currentless pulse – data pulse – data current pulse – dc pulse – delta pulse – dial pulse – digital pulses – disabling pulse – drive pulse – edit pulse – electromagnetic pulse – elementary pulse – emitter pulse – equalizing pulse – field-blanking pulse – field-synchronizing pulse – flat pulse – frame-synchronizing pulse – gating pulse – ghost pulse – half-sine pulse – horizontal blanking pulse – horizontal-synchronizing pulse – inductive pulse – inhibit pulse – key pulse – killer pulse – line-frequency blanking pulse – line-synchronizing pulse – load pulse – locking pulse – marker pulse – marking pulse – master-synchronization pulse – metering pulse – multimode pulse – negative pulse – Nyquist pulse – optical pulse – picture synchronizing pulse – pointed pulse – positive pulse – potential pulse – quench pulse – radio-frequency pulse – rectangular pulse – reference frame pulse – reset pulse – restorer pulse – ring-off pulse – sample pulse – sawtooth pulse – short optical pulses – short-time pulse – sine pulse – single-phase pulse – single-polarity pulse – spacing pulse – start pulse – stop pulse – strobe pulse – stub pulse – suppressor pulse – sync pulse – tail pulse – teledata pulse – tone pulse – trapezoidal pulse – tripping pulse – unidirectional pulse – unit pulse – unlocking pulse – vertical synchronizing pulse – video pulse – voltage pulse – write pulse ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) импульс генерировать импульсы; работать в импульсном режиме; посылать импульсы 2) пульсация пульсировать - actuating pulse - advance pulse - basic pulse - bias pulse - bidirectional pulses - blackout pulse - blocking pulse - break pulse - brightening pulse - burst pulse - carry pulse - check pulse - chirp pulse - chopped pulse - clamp pulse - clear pulse - clock pulse - closing pulse - command signal pulse - composite 20T pulse - compressed pulse - current pulse - dark-current pulse - delayed pulse - dial pulse - digit pulse - disabling pulse - discharge pulse - drive pulse - echo pulse - electromagnetic pulse - electrostatic discharge electromagnetic pulse - enable pulse - engine reference pulse - equalizing pulse - erase pulse - error pulse - fast pulse - feed pulse - field blanking pulse - firing pulse - flat pulse - fluid pulse - frame pulse - frame blanking pulse - fruit pulse - gate pulse - Gaussian pulse - ghost pulse - half-sine pulse - heat pulse - identification pulse - ignition pulse - inhibit pulse - initiating pulse - input pulse - intensification pulse - interrogation pulse - inverted pulse - lightning pulse - lightn pulse - lightning electromagnetic pulse - line blanking pulse - line synchronization pulse - line sync pulse - lockout pulse - long pulse - lost pulse - make pulse - marker pulse - monitoring pulse - narrow pulse - negative pulse - noise pulse - nuclear electromagnetic pulse - omitted pulse - output pulse - photon pulse - pilot pulse - pip pulse - positive pulse - potential pulse - power pulse - pumping pulse - pump pulse - quenching pulse - quench pulse - radio-frequency pulse - radio pulse - reading pulse - read pulse - receiver disabling pulse - rectangular pulse - reply pulse - resetting pulse - reset pulse - residual pulse - sample pulse - sawtooth pulse - select pulse - selection pulse - setting pulse - set pulse - sharp pulse - shock pulse - short pulse - sine-squared pulse - slow pulse - spike pulse - spurious...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them, esp. as felt in the wrists, temples, etc. b each successive beat of the arteries or heart. 2 a throb or thrill of life or emotion. 3 a latent feeling. 4 a single vibration of sound, electric current, light, etc., esp. as a signal. 5 a musical beat. 6 any regular or recurrent rhythm, e.g. of the stroke of oars. --v.intr. 1 pulsate. 2 (foll. by out, in, etc.) transmit etc. by rhythmical beats. Phrases and idioms pulse code coding information in pulses. pulse code modulation a pulse modulation technique of representing a signal by a sequence of binary codes. pulse modulation a type of modulation in which pulses are varied to represent a signal. Derivatives pulseless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF pous f. L pulsus f. pellere puls- drive, beat 2. n. (as sing. or pl.) 1 the edible seeds of various leguminous plants, e.g. chick-peas, lentils, beans, etc. 2 the plant or plants producing this. Etymology: ME f. OF pols f. L puls pultis porridge of meal etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English puls, probably from Anglo-French puuiz gruel, from Latin pult-, puls, probably from Greek poltos  Date: 13th century the edible seeds of various crops (as peas, beans, or lentils) of the legume family; also a plant yielding ~  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English puls, from Anglo-French, from Latin pulsus, literally, beating, from pellere to drive, push, beat — more at felt  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the regular expansion of an artery caused by the ejection of blood into the arterial system by the contractions of the heart  b. the palpable beat resulting from such ~ as detected in a superficial artery; also the number of individual beats in a specified time period (as one minute) a resting ~ of 70  2.  a. underlying sentiment or opinion or an indication of it  b. vitality  3.  a. rhythmical beating, vibrating, or sounding  b. beat, throb  4.  a. a transient variation of a quantity (as electric current or voltage) whose value is normally constant  b.  (1) an electromagnetic wave or modulation thereof of brief duration  (2) a brief disturbance of pressure in a medium; especially a sound wave or short train of sound waves  5. a dose of a substance especially when applied over a short period of time ~s of intravenous methylprednisolone  III. verb  (~d; pulsing)  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb to exhibit a ~ or pulsation ; throb  transitive verb  1. to drive by or as if by a pulsation  2. to cause to pulsate  3.  a. to produce or modulate (as electromagnetic waves) in the form of ~s ~d waves  b. to cause (an apparatus) to produce ~s  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (pulses, pulsing, pulsed) 1. Your pulse is the regular beating of blood through your body, which you can feel when you touch particular parts of your body, especially your wrist. Mahoney’s pulse was racing, and he felt confused. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. In music, a pulse is a regular beat, which is often produced by a drum. ...the repetitive pulse of the music. N-COUNT 3. A pulse of electrical current, light, or sound is a temporary increase in its level. The switch works by passing a pulse of current between the tip and the surface. N-COUNT 4. If you refer to the pulse of a group in society, you mean the ideas, opinions, or feelings they have at a particular time. The White House insists that the president is in touch with the pulse of the black community. N-SING: the N of n 5. If something pulses, it moves, appears, or makes a sound with a strong regular rhythm. His temples pulsed a little, threatening a headache... It was a slow, pulsing rhythm that seemed to sway languidly in the air. = throb VERB: V, V-ing 6. Some seeds which can be cooked and eaten are called pulses, for example peas, beans, and lentils. N-PLURAL 7. If you have your finger on the pulse of something, you know all the latest opinions or developments concerning it. He claims to have his finger on the pulse of the industry... It’s important to keep your finger on the pulse by reading all the right magazines. PHRASE: Ns inflect, usu PHR after v 8. When someone takes your pulse or feels your pulse, they find out how quickly your heart is beating by feeling the pulse in your wrist. PHRASE: V and N inflect ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 C usually singular 2 a) the regular beat that can be felt, for example at your wrist, as your heart pumps blood around your body  (I checked his pulse - he was still alive.) b) also pulse rate the number of these beats per minute  (take/feel sb's pulse (=to count how many times someone's heart beats in a minute, usually by feeling their wrist))  (The nurse took my pulse - it was faster than normal. | your pulse quickens/races (=it gets faster because you are excited, nervous etc)) 3 an amount of sound, light, or electricity that continues for a very short time  (emitting pulses of sound at around 200 cycles per second) 4 pulses seeds such as beans, peas, and lentils that can be eaten 5 a strong regular beat as in music, or on a drum  (- see also have/keep your finger on the pulse finger1 (12)) ~2 v 1 to move or flow with a steady rapid beat or sound  (the blood pulsing through his veins | coloured lights pulsing in time with the music) 2 if a feeling or emotion pulses through someone, they feel it very strongly  (excitement pulsing through the crowd) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Powering Up Little Singers For Eternity religion abbr. People United Leading And Serving Everywhere law abbr. Police Using Leading Systems Effectively gen. bus. abbr. Persons United Limiting Substandards And Errors gen. bus. abbr. People Utilizing Leadership Skills Effectively gen. bus. abbr. People Using Light Sound And Energy gen. bus. abbr. People Using Leadership Skills Effectively ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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